Thursday, September 21, 2017

A Story About Soles

I'm serving a mission because the gospel of Jesus Christ makes me so, so happy, I can't help but want to share it! I want everyone to have a chance to experience the joy that comes from knowing that families are forever, that our Heavenly Father loves us, and that Jesus Christ has made a way for us to repent. 
So, enjoy my little poem I wrote about why I want to serve a mission. :) 
A Story About Soles 
I'm made of shiny black leather,
Not quite cute, but functional
Flat with no heel
(For any sister missionary shoe worth her tag
Knows heels aren't for hiking)
I am straight-out-of-the-box, new, SO ready 
To tread on foreign soil 
through foreign territory.
Each day at 6:30, my day begins, I
Seek out fellow soles with a vigor 
That hides my clunkiness, that disguises
My shoe's awkward fit.
I follow a well-marked path, a path
Trailblazer by the Master Shoemaker
I know the destination, but only He
Can show me the way
So I follow in His footsteps, each of my steps
Not quite fitting into His, but that's '
Okay, because the Master Shoemaker 
Can always fix the size difference. 
Every day on the path
I pass soles and shoes of every shape and size. 
I see shoes in a hurry, shoes
Running, racing for an unmarked finish line. 
A nonexistent finished line 
I point out a better running trail, but they 
Aren't interested. So I move on
I see sharp soles, pointed soles
That have purposeful, no-nonsense steps
That don't have time for little old me
And my well-worn path
I see worn soles, smooth soles
That have seen places the world over
I stop to talk to them 
Before going on my way 
I see humble soles, ragged soles,
Riddled with holes, wanting some new feet
To follow
They join me on the path
And together, we talk to every sole we meet 
Day by day, we tread, 
Treading wear and tear into 
Our flimsy soles. 
At the end of our path, we stop
Examine ourselves
We realize that we're torn and broken 
And kind of smelly
Maybe not worth keeping...
But then
We come to the Master Shoemaker 
He smiles and says,
"I can fix you, for every shoe is worth keeping
And every soul is worth saving."

Monday, September 4, 2017

A Fellow Sunshine Scatterer

Hey, y'all! Haven't been on here for awhile because I've been working on my BYU Brigade blog. But I'm back, giving you a short little review on one of my new favorite books and movies. You can also find it on Goodreads! 

Love, Kennedy.
Really, that's all you can do after reading the book Kennedy's Hugs: love the girl the book is all about. Love her for loving people, loving the world, and loving life in a way that many of us will never experience. 
I never knew Kennedy, never heard of her story until I floated across her movie, Love, Kennedy, on Facebook. As soon as I heard the premise of it, as soon as I saw the trailer, I knew I had to see the movie. I just knew. 
But life got in the way. Work, school, and busy schedules prevented me from heading down to the theaters and buying myself a ticket. On the very last day it was in theaters in Provo, though, with no transportation available to me and no one to go with, I strapped on my track shoes and ran the 3.2 miles to the nearest theater. And boy, was it worth it. The movie was spectacular in every way, just like Kennedy was. 
Once I found out there was a book, I knew I needed it to read it. Crying, laughing, pondering, marveling were in store for me within its pages. Some of the stories in it were in the movie, while many others were brand new glimpses into the life of the Hansen family. All of it was raw, emotional, honest truth from the mouth of Kennedy's father about his little girl. 
Just read it. Kennedy's promises haven't proven false yet, and I'm sure you'll be touched by her story just as the rest of the world has been.